Friday, January 23, 2009


Today I had 2 classes. Which is really nice. BUT heres the deal - in my ethics class my professor made a very poor analogy. He was talking about homosexuality and said it's a horrible thing for people to do. He said it was so sad because even animals such as dogs do not have sex with the same gender. I was very taken back. First off it's comparing apples to oranges. Dogs and animals in general (except dolphins)only have sex when they're 'in heat'. They do not have sex for pleasure. Should we humans mimic that behavior? Also they have multiple sex partners. There's countless of other examples against his argument. My classes in general are revealing the differences between African culture and Western culture. I'm learning that I'm VERY westernized. I'm also learning about certain ways to approach things in context, how some things are appropriate here and not in America. So yeah it's definitely taking time to get used to. P.S. Pray for my dad he just had surgery on his arm (he's a big baby... just kidding). Thanks

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