Monday, January 12, 2009

Classes rain and phone calls

So jet-lag is killing me... I finally fell asleep about 5am here! Only to wake up at 7. It's weird because for the lack of sleep I still functioning fairly well. I had my first classes today! They are all going to be fairly interesting. My politics class (I think/hope) is going to be awesome. It's like the reason why i wanted to come here. We'll be reading stuff all about Uganda and Africa and what can be done to alleviate its poverty. My history class is pretty weird cause the prof is really funny and crazy but that's also how he teaches. I think that's gonna be a little hard for me. And my Faith and Action was okay. I think it has potential to be good but I also think its going to be rather hard with a lot of reading. It rained crazy today. It didn't stop pouring for like 30 minutes. At one point it was hailing! I'm excited to see what the rainy season is like except I'm also afraid that it's going to be like that all the time. I had a good long phone talk with Julie tonight. It was really good. Keep her in your prayers as she gets ready for Costa Rica! Yeah so all in all a good day. I hope to be going to bed at about 10 pm here (less than an hour) so lets hope I also sleep then too!I have some benadryl to 'encourage' me to sleep tonight. I can only hope for the best!

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