Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bizare Bazaar's

Wow the past couple days have been awesome! Sleep has gotten normal and classes are starting to become regular for me now. I have figured out that the internet connection is too slow to post pictures so I’m sorry but you’ll have to wait until I return in four months to see the awesome pictures! I went on a picture hunt yesterday and took some awesome sunset pictures, and just stuff around campus. There is a bazaar on campus and boy is that a ton of fun. Here in Uganda you bargain and barter for your prices. For example there was a shirt for 25,000 shillings (worth about 14.00) and I asked the lady how much and when she told me the price I said “No way there’s a shirt over there for 13,000 shillings!” So she said “How about 17,000” and I said “I can do that.” All together I got a pair of sandals, a traditional African shirt, a dress and necklace (for my sister, and of course I already lost the necklace), and a purple purse, that is awesome looking, for Julie. I’ve just really enjoyed the past several days. Everything has been falling into place. Also we had a Bible study for the guys on the trip and it was awesome to open up and talk to some of them about stuff going on in our lives. It’s cool to have a ton of people praying for my loved ones because it gives me so much reassurance that God understands how much I care for them. Yeah so far so good. No complaints.One more thing... this is going to be scary. So after much debate, my friend here - Dave - has convinced me to join the cross country team. Boy is this going to be interesting. I believe it will be good for me because it is going to take a good deal of humility going there after not running for 3 months and try and start running with a bunch of Africans. I figure this will be better in the end. Delayed gratification right?


  1. dude, no way that's awesome, you're training with africans!!! i'm going to follow your blog :)
    ~*amy a

  2. WOW-running in Africa-God is great!!
